![]() Michelle, Jeffrey and Jacinto are signed-up to go to Kumi! They are actively raising funds to pay for airfare and other costs related to the trip. You are invited to help them reach their goal by contributing via PayPal or credit card (please leave a note designating a particular youth, or all 3!). Your donation is tax-deductible.
"Hello, my name is Michelle Lu and I have been a part of CCUMC for three years now. After hearing the news about a mission trip to Kumi, Uganda, the first thing that came up in my mind was, yes! Going on a mission trip is a call for me, a call from God, telling me to go to this trip. To explore the world, and see it in a different perspective. I was inspired by my fellow church members, how they give back to the community, going outside the four walls of CCUMC. After learning about how we are connected with YCVM, and participating in the benefit dinner for the last two years has also inspired me to take church out to the world. I am excited to go to Kumi, but being a college freshmen at San Jose University, money is a challenge. Going on this trip is not cheap for any of us, but we are working hard and trying our best to raise funds in order for us to go. It would be much appreciated for you to donate because you are helping us to go to Kumi, Uganda. Thank you so much." |
Not going to Kumi?
The Kumi Mission Trip is a go!
May 27th - June 10th, 2014
A team led by Chinese Community United Methodist Church will be traveling to Kumi to partner with YCVM and celebrate the opening of KCVS.